Writer’s block, New Year’s Resolution and so much more…

I always had an immense passion for writing, but there were times I would become short of words or I would say it had been an out of words experience for me. In short, I have been affected by the writer’s block on so many occasions. It’s not that the thoughts never came to me, they did but its just that I wasn’t so sure what I could be writing about.

So here I am after such a long time writing for the very first time about how bad ‘writer’s block’ gets that it starts interfering with your ability to write or jot down things that you are actually feeling.

So, all this time when I was inactive in this site, a lot was happening in my life that took a toll on most of the aspects of my life. But I am trying each day to emerge out of things happening in my life. Since this is my personal blog I feel so liberated to write down things I feel like writing as well as feel like sharing.

So hell lot of things have happened in such a short span that all I could do was to see my life falling apart each day. So I am trying to be strong, trying to emerge out of all the unfortunate events that befall on me and my family.

So I took a new year resolution this time for 2019 to start my year on a positive note by shedding every toxicity in my life, leaving people and things that no longer serve me, old habits that were of no good to me by bringing in some lifestyle changes. So my resolution is to eat healthy and mindful eating so I have turned vegetarian now; to read more books this time because I feel that somewhere my reading habits seem to be slipping away from me and that I should get back to it once again, yet there’s so much work in my life that I hardly get time to even pick up the book. Besides work and busy-ness did I mention that I am in severe depression and have anxiety problems so I am trying to change my outlook towards life. So I set the resolution to read 12 books this year. Already I have finished reading two books and I am reading the third one that is ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness’ by Arundhati Roy. I have finished reading ‘Looking for Alaska’ by John Green and ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ by Virginia Woolf and now I am reading this ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness’ by Arundhati Roy. Already I am feeling so synced with the book since I have read something tad bit similar before, mind you, its just tad bit similar. So after finishing this particular book, I will post its review.

Recently I have been diagnosed with some medications of the thyroid, it’s hypothyroidism in the borderline category so I am trying to watch my diet so that it just can be controlled.  Since I am a foodie, it’s hard for me to give up every food and what I just can’t give up at all is the chocolate and coffee, I love them so much that I have to keep monitoring my diet and intake of it.

So after such a long time, I have written this post. It feels so good after such a long time doing what I really liked to do once and now I am getting back to it. Trying to emerge out of depression and anxiety plus thyroid.

This time I want to break the old patterns so I will not only cover books but also about lifestyle in general, every aspect of it since it’s gonna be a bibliophile’s lifestyle blog. So my focus this time is to cover various topics. I will also make sure that this time I will post inspiring posts and stories since I don’t want my blog to be gloomy like before. This time I want to pour my heart out to the things which are happening in my life and this way there won’t be filters in my blog as in, I won’t just cover books and specific boredom stuff but a lot more interesting stuff. I feel that writing is only the way I can express myself.

Will make sure I post things frequently because I love blogging and writing in the first place.


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